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Wednesday 12 June 2013

What types of pain should worry us?

Can an imaginary patient be annoying with its excesses, but many times that is hypochondriacal with minor injuries or daily occurrences, could prove salutary for his health. What daily threats in no way be ignored?

According to, the key is to know what is worthy of concern. The duration and frequency of occurrence of an event, such as the nosebleeds are indications that this is a serious problem or a simple accident.

  • Nosebleed

Usually a random nosebleed is the result of dry air, a stressful event or a simple reaction of the body when you are angry. It can however be a warning for a fairly serious health problem such as high blood pressure, a condition that affects nearly 8% of adults between 20 and 34 years.

The nose bleeding may occur because the small vessels in the nose exhibit microscopic cracks and the high pressure pushes the blood out of them.

Visit your doctor and check if the nosebleed is the result of high blood pressure. In addition, experts suggest that you start your day with oatmeal and flaxseed. A recent study, published in the journal «Hypertension» showed that linolenic acid, a fatty acid found in flaxseed, is associated with lower rates of increased blood pressure.

Furthermore, another study published in «Journal of Hypertension» found that people who consumed higher amounts of fiber, significantly reduced both systolic and diastolic pressure them.

  • Pain in the knees

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It is not uncommon to feel sore knees after a flurry of activity, but if this pain lasts more than two hours, possibly indicating osteoarthritis.

Check the frequency of pain and having the chance to block is a result of overexertion in your daily workout, visit your doctor. If indeed, the symptoms persist for longer than 3 months, maybe this is some underlying musculoskeletal problem.

  • Blisters

A blister, caused by friction between the sock and skin, certainly not something that should worry you, but if it appears blister between toes, this could be a serious health condition where bacteria invade the region creating cracks.

It aphthous infections that can be treated, if done early treatment. This means that we have to follow the doctor mildew before it reaches the point of blistering.

  • Sore throat

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H sense of 'crushed glass' throat is certainly unpleasant. Especially not in the case that lasts more than 3 days or causes changes in the way you speak. Both these symptoms signify a possible infection.

If the infection reaches your tonsils, lymph nodes and the surrounding tissue filled with pus and can not "drain". This can close your airways and not be able to breathe. Contact your doctor and do not let the problem persists.

  • Pimples

Can a pimple is a result of acne skin, but in some cases it may be going for something more serious. The most common form (except acne) is supposed for basal cell carcinoma (BCC), ie a slow-growing form of skin cancer.

But what is the difference between a pimple and a tiny volume? The typical basal cell carcinoma (BCC) has a pearly appearance when light falls on it and one can discern the tiny blood vessels to penetrate the base.

Basal cell carcinoma is 95% curable when caught early, so it would be good if you notice something that "looks" with pimple to contact your doctor.

  • Leg pain

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The most common reaction to a severe pain in the leg is that it cramp or a blow that did not realize. However, it may be a warning that sends you your heart.

The first sign of a problem in the circulatory system of the body is often leg pain rather than chest pain. This is because block blood vessels, resulting in lack of oxygen to the muscles.

And while the "where" will appear the pain is specific (anywhere from thighs to calves), 'when' deserves special attention. Pain in legs with arterial thrombosis is often worse when you exercise. This is because, the greater the intensity of the exercise, the greater the demand for oxygen.

The medical term for the clogged vessels in the legs is peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and in essence is the narrowing or occlusion of the arteries, leading to poor blood flow to the hands and feet.

Stop smoking, remove fatty acids from your diet, increase levels of "good cholesterol" to help your organization not confronted with peripheral arterial disease.



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